Friday, November 13, 2015

Different Cultures, Different Behaviors

by Gabriela Alves

Americans and Brazilians have different behaviors when we talk about socializing. Just like in Brazil, when you meet someone in the USA, you talk about everything. Although, in America, on another day after this conversation, it is very possible that the person will pass through you and will not even say hi. And do not matter how many time you spent talking with this person or what you talked about, she will probably pretend that she never saw you in her life. In Brazil, the exactly opposite happens, if you met someone in one occasion and meet this person after again, even if you are in a hurry, you are going to give her at least a smile or a hi (commonly followed by "How are you?"). Also, in Brazil, it is naturally to hug tightly a friend, and, if there is a girl involved, give one or two kisses with the cheeks on her or even one normal kiss on her cheek. An American once said “Brazilians are very hugging people”, and if one American says that, you can imagine that they do not really like these hugs. Americans usually only hug someone if this person is a big friend of them, and probably this hug will not be not be so tight. Another difference between this two cultures is the way to behave with family. Big part of Brazilian families is very united, and this includes grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, cousins, and, many times, even the family of you grandmother or grandfather`s siblings. The members are always in touch, meaning that they are aware of everything that happens with each one. In addition, no matter how far they live, they will be together in every opportunity they have. In the USA seems that all this contact does not exist. Americans usually only maintain contact with parents and siblings. Moreover, after moving from home, they only come back in the holidays that are supposed to be spent in family. In summary, Brazilians and Americans have different manners to treat people around them.

Caption: This is a typical American family

Citation: William Peace. "Typical American Family?" Photograph. William Peace Blog. WordPress, 25 Sept. 2015. Web. Wed 11 Nov. 2015.

Caption: This is a typical Brazilian family

Citation: Andrew Kraige. "A Brazilian extended family. Taken from a Google search, I confess, but still representative of the way everyone gets together for Sunday lunches, and the very intergenerational feel of Brazilian social life." Photograph. Boy meets Brazil. WordPress, 6 July 2003. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.

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